Thursday, January 19, 2023

Searching for Tigers in Esoteric Tiger Landscape called Kipling Country

Kipling Country

Seooni Hills! Kipling referred to this mountain range in Satpuras as the abode of human-like creatures he penned so vividly in his book "The Jungle Book". These hills now comprise Pench National Park and the tiger reserve. Kipling's esoteric emotions can be well understood once you experience the panoramic grandeur of these mixed forests. Hardwood comprising tall trees like teak and its associates dominate the tiger landscape.  Mowgli is no more, but you see thousands in the villages around living in harmony with the wilderness around.  

                                                                         Tiger Safari Photo

It is here at Seooni Hills that Mowgli the wolf child was born and reared by the wolves. He was first discovered by Lt.Moor of the British Army in 1800 AD. The child was reared by his foster parents - a pair of wolves who led the pack. He virtually existed as a naked hunting human among the canids.

Elephant Safari
Except for Sher Khan with a propensity to kill humans, especially Mowgli, the rest of the animals had become extremely possessive of the human child living among the wolf.  Despite all the myths and depictions in shikar tales, Sher Khan is no more a bloodthirsty human killer in this esoteric land. He is under the aegis of Project Tiger a program designed to save the big cats of India. He is the pride of India as the National Animal. 

Tiger Conservation Story

A country steeped deep in conservation ethos since the Vedic Times paradoxically managed to lose 90% of forest land and the tiger. Although the country lived with roots disabled by the invaders and foreign rulers still respects all life forms. Nevertheless, the Royal elites with priestly invocations were also responsible for the massacre of the tigers in India.

Barely 1400 tigers survived the onslaught of the hunters and poachers in the seventies whence the Project Tiger was launched. The merciless onslaught on wildlife was ongoing even after independence. Fortunately, India managed to stem the rot thanks to The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.  Fast-spreading agriculture, an imperative to feed teeming millions ravaged most of the ecosystems in the country. This impacted the very existence of the tiger in India but thankfully Project Tiger was launched in the year 1973. The notification of protected areas happened with the inviolate core. The core was a blessing in disguise for the beleaguered species as they could breed in complete privacy devoid of human interference. Only 20% of the core is open to regulated tourism and the big cats are flourishing in the zones.

Pench National Park

Today you explore Pench Wilderness by booking a tiger safari on the jeep in this Indian paradise. If your imagination surpasses Kipling's then you will see living creatures everywhere. They are like humans perhaps more gentle and kind. Do not forget a pat on Mowgli's back in the nearby village and say "Hello" to the wolves as you come across the pack. Remember to book the safari permit in advance. Vehicle entry is limited in the tourism zones. You can book online at MPOnline Portal belong to Madhya Pradesh Government in India.       


Uday has worked as a naturalist and loves to write about tigers and other wildlife forms. He also provides SEO Services and Content for Digital Marketing. He can be contacted at :

Mob/Watsapp: 9755089323