Friday, June 5, 2020

An Elephant Brutality Killed

Om Ganesh Namah! 

A perfect ode to a beloved God. For every new startup Ganesha is the first deity to be praised. The almighty sports an elephant head. How and Why? Is it a myth or factual, and that perhaps it is timeless as well? 

Nevertheless Hinduism is a belief that collectively reveres all aspect of nature ... the philosophical aspects are deep and the believers are not animists. More and more...we are realizing that nature's love and preservation is essential for our survival.     

It is the word all-encompassing that describes the World, does not it? So the belief is a holistic science, I wish to inform readers before they began to get trapped in false conjectures. It is simple science that all life forms and elements on Earth are interconnected and by praising the Lord in any this, we acknowledge reverence to his creation. This applies to animals too and hence veneration of the lovely creatures in some form or the other. I do not imply that all should follow, for it is each to his or her own belief. 

Brutal Elephant Killing or Murder?

In a district of Kerala, an Indian State a wild elephant cow hungry and pregnant came into the human abode seeking nourishment. For a wild animal accepting the proximity of humans is because of distress as well as due to trust. All she received was a handful of fruits laden with explosives. Was this accidental? No Way! Fruits do not contain firecrackers they were deliberately placed or rather fed to her with the intention to kill. She stood in the water at a nearby pond suffering pain and unbearable agony due to the heinous deed of the civilized.  With her mouth and perhaps innards badly damaged she was beyond recovery an early death could have saved her from the agonizing pain. 

She stood still in a stupor after the shock of the explosion inside her!        

Of Punitive Measures! 

The uproar was justified and still continues and will continue till the culprits are punished for this gory crime. But this also reminds us of how we treat other life forms on Earth. We are brutal towards wild animals, especially whence threat perception overtakes our sanity. Our legislations ignore wild animals or takes them lightly, there are no punitive measures harsh enough that could discourage these inhuman deeds. The law should be unrelenting over such deeds and yes implemented with vigor. 

Our Fear & Human Insensitivity & Vedas

People feel threatened in the vicinity of these creatures, and our beliefs is shaped by the vermin concept and total disregard for them. This is in spite of the Vedic ethos that was part of our evolving civilization and nurtures us since birth. There is a lot of emphasis in Vedic Literature on conservation and the best way to carry forward this message is to denote life forms and natural elements as holy or worthy of respect and hence should be preserved. Some find this illogical?   

Yes, human sensitivity should not ignore other life forms we care for ourselves. For our threat perception, there is a mechanism in place to deal with any violence that could be a result of a possible or real-time attack.  We are evolving mechanisms to capture the animals alive in case they come to our vicinity. We now have snake handlers, animal catchers, professional vets, tranquilizers, nets, and cages that incarcerate the temporarily till they are released in their homes. And we have the forest department trained to look after the forest and wild animals. But there is a point here too. 

Where Do They Go?

What about the homes of the wild animals we are encroaching with rabid speed... the environs that support other life forms. So where do they go? They are hard-pressed often to enter urban surroundings and then this is the treatment we accord to them. Sic!

Almost every day tigers, bears, snakes, and other animals are becoming victims of human greed and empathy. This seems to be a never-ending phenomenon.  Not only animals...we are destroying our green lungs, the precious ecosystems that support life on Earth.  Unimaginable acreage of forests is being lost to human greed. And then we complain about global warming and pandemics.

Reap As You Sow!

Uday Works as Freelance Naturalist and Blogs on conservation, tigers, and environmental issues. 
He also provides SEO and Website Content in English.
Uday Teaches Internet Marketing Classes in his hometown of Jabalpur in the Summer.  
He can be contacted at:

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